Wednesday, December 12, 2012

How We Do Business

Often times we think of Mission Statements as words a company puts on the back of its proposal or slips into the About Us page on the website.  It's a company's personal statement of who they are and how they do business.  You don't make a big deal out of it.  It's meant to be subtle.  Right?

Believe me, composing the CSHQA Mission Statement and the final choice of five Core Values was a lot harder than anyone imagined!  Ask anyone on the team.  Serious discussions about the meaning and import of words were followed by countless iterations, reviews, and "provisional" approvals.  It absolutely had to be right.  This isn’t just any company; it’s our company.  Thank you, Jim Otradosky, Dave Davies, Teresa Kellim and Mark Gier.  You got it right.